
Announcements are immediately emailed to residents who have registered on TownSq.  Please scroll down to register.  Please note that the email address you provide is secure and will not be sold or shared.

Safety Reminder from Geist Patrol…

Safety Reminder from Geist Patrol…

Don’t be a victim of a crime of opportunity!

Please park all vehicles in your garage if possible. If you must park a vehicle in your driveway, please lock your vehicle and leave on all exterior home lights; plus, remove all valuables from your vehicle, including items stored in your glove box.

Before you post on social media, please contact Geist Patrol at 317-842-8082 to report any suspicious person, vehicle or activity.

Contacting Geist Patrol on Monday, April 4th!

Geist Patrol is upgrading their phone system on the above date.

Between approximately 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., their main phone number will not be in service.

If you need to reach them during this time, please call (317) 432-3835.  You will be connected to the Officer on Patrol in the South Car.


Thank you.


2022 GHPOA Officer Elections

The GHPOA Board has elected the following Directors to serve as Officers during 2022:

President – Marie Ippolito, Admirals Pointe

Vice President – Randy Frisk, Masthead I

Secretary – Margie Brown, Crossing South

Treasurer – George “Tad” Bristow, Beam Reach

Contact information for all Directors and our management company is available on our website,, under the “Contact Us” link (upper right).


Geist Patrol Names 2021 “Officer of the Year”

Please join in congratulating six-year Geist Patrol employee, Officer Jon Clark, who has just been named Geist Patrol’s 2021 “Officer of the Year.”


Officer Clark primarily patrols GHPOA during the night shift. He has been a steadfast presence protecting peoples’ homes and property during the hours we all sleep. He is credited with several arrests, several citizen compliments, and has been recognized by the command staff on many occasions for deeds well done.


Tony Craig, Director of Operations, states “Officer Clark is a major asset to our agency, and he is an outstanding Police Officer.