
Announcements are immediately emailed to residents who have registered on TownSq.  Please scroll down to register.  Please note that the email address you provide is secure and will not be sold or shared.

Please Do Not Put Tape on Street and Sign Poles!

GHPOA budgets over $15,000 per year for maintenance on our poles and signs. We are asking for your cooperation in not taping notices of garage sales, lost pets, items for sale, etc. on the poles. When the tape and sign are removed, the tape removes the paint finish from the poles which increases our yearly maintenance cost. If you need to advertise a garage sale, etc., we ask for your cooperation by using a yard sign which you may push into the grass. Thanks for partnering with us to maintain the appearance of our Association!

Important Safety Reminder From Geist Patrol!

While, to this point, no burglaries have been reported in GHPOA, Geist Patrol has notified us that a group of professional burglars is active in the surrounding area.

We are urged to take the following precautions:

  • Immediately report all suspicious vehicles and pedestrians to Geist Patrol by calling 317-842-8082, paying particular attention to vehicles parked on the street with individuals sitting in the vehicle.
  • Turn on all exterior lighting from dusk to dawn.
  • If you have a security system, please set your alarm anytime you leave your home.
  • Keep all doors and windows locked, including the door from your garage into your home.
  • Sliding glass doors are vulnerable. Please consider installing special locks for better security. 
  • Keep your garage door closed and if you have a keypad, please utilize a personal code.
  • Please park all vehicles in your garage. If this is not possible, lock all vehicles parked in your driveway and remove all valuables.
  • Consider using timers on interior lights.

2024 Monthly Meeting Dates

Annual Meeting

Tuesday, January 16th, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Amy Beverland School, 11650 Fox Road

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings of the GHPOA Board of Directors will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Indian Lake Country Club, 10502 E 75th Street. The public portion of the meeting begins at approximately 6:30 p.m.

Property owners who wish to speak before the Board of Directors must be listed on the agenda. Please visit our website ( and review the “Policy on Speaking Before the Board of Directors” which is located under “About Us” and “Governing Documents & Policies.”

  • Monday, February 19th
  • Monday, March 18th
  • Monday, April 15th
  • Monday, May 20th
  • Monday, June 17th
  • Monday, July 15th
  • Monday, August 19th
  • Monday, September 16th
  • Monday, October 21st 
  • Monday, November 18th
  • Monday, December 16th

Dog Bites Increasing in GHPOA Communities…

An Important Safety Reminder from Geist Patrol!
Over the past several months, there has been an increase in dog bites in GHPOA communities. Indianapolis and Fishers law states that pets are not allowed to roam free at any time, including when accompanying their owners on walks. When walking, your pet must be on a leash and under your control at all times. Pets in your yard must be confined (fence, chain, etc.). Geist Patrol will continue to work with local law enforcement and animal control to enforce this law to ensure the safety of residents walking in GHPOA communities.


Located at the corner of Fox and Oaklandon Roads, a local company purchased this property. Part of the oversized parking lot has been subdivided and a new shopping strip will be built. We have been advised that negotiations are underway for the leasing of the existing vacant building and for future tenants of the new shopping strip. It is anticipated that leases will be signed in 2024.

Golf Cart Safety Reminder

Driving Golf Carts on GHPOA Streets!

An Important Safety Reminder from Geist Patrol…

We have had reports of children driving golf carts on GHPOA streets; – speeding, drag racing, driving after sunset with no lights, and one incident where a golf cart tipped over while turning a corner. 

Geist Patrol reminds us of the following laws which apply to golf carts being driven on our public streets:

Indianapolis – Only those individuals holding a valid driver’s license may operate a golf cart on the public streets in GHPOA. Golf Carts are treated like any other vehicle and must be equipped with proper safety and lighting equipment. Golf carts must also be registered and insured as required by Indiana law.

Fishers – The use and operation of golf carts is governed by Fishers City Ordinance No. 090214D, which authorizes golf carts to be operated on select neighborhood streets. This authorization DOES NOT include any streets in GHPOA and, therefore, the operation of golf carts on GHPOA streets is prohibited by law. 

City of Lawrence – Only those individuals holding a valid driver’s license may operate a golf cart on the public streets in GHPOA. Golf Carts are treated like any other vehicle and must be equipped with proper safety and lighting equipment. Golf carts must also be registered and insured as required by Indiana law.

In the interest of public safety, if you observe any violation pertaining to the use or operation of golf carts on GHPOA public streets, please report such activity to Geist Patrol at (317) 842-8082.

Safety Reminder from Geist Patrol…

Safety Reminder from Geist Patrol…

Don’t be a victim of a crime of opportunity!

Please park all vehicles in your garage if possible. If you must park a vehicle in your driveway, please lock your vehicle and leave on all exterior home lights; plus, remove all valuables from your vehicle, including items stored in your glove box.

Before you post on social media, please contact Geist Patrol at 317-842-8082 to report any suspicious person, vehicle or activity.