An Important Notice From Geist Patrol

An Important Notice From Geist Patrol 

Per Indianapolis and Fishers Statute, it is the responsibility of pet owners to maintain control of their animals at all times either by securing  them in a pen, cage, yard or by use of a leash.

Pet owners who fail to maintain control of their animals are subject to warnings, citations, fines or other legal action.

While we love our pets, it is crucial to understand that even the most well-behaved dog can act unpredictably in certain situations. This unpredictability should keep us cautious and aware, helping us prevent dog attacks.

If a Dog Approaches You:

If a dog approaches you aggressively, remain calm and avoid sudden movements. Do not run away; this can trigger the dog’s chase instinct. Instead, stand still, keep your hands by your sides, and avoid eye contact. If you have anything with you, like a backpack or a jacket, use it as a barrier between you and the dog.  In addition, you have the legal right to carry mace spray.

*There is no guarantee that these steps will prevent an attack or injury.

Dog Owners:

For dog owners, preventing dog attacks is also a matter of responsibility. Ensuring your dog is properly trained, socialized, and leashed in public areas can prevent dangerous situations. Regular veterinary check-ups can also help identify health issues affecting your dog’s behavior.

According to Indianapolis Code 531-102a, an animal is considered at large if it is not confined in a secure enclosure, such as a pen, cage, or yard, or is not on a leash and under human control.

Fishers Municipal Code 91.05 also has a similar requirement regarding animal restraint. Both cities require animals to be permanently identified by means of microchip or tag.

Geist Patrol cars are now equipped with electronic animal chip readers to help in assisting with lost or suspicious animals. An animal must be properly chipped for our electronic chip readers to be effective.

If you see a suspicious animal off leash or an active animal attack, please contact Geist Patrol immediately. 

Marion County – (317) 432-3835 (South Car)

Hamilton County – (317) 445-8734 (North Car)